Roman emperor Gratian (Gratianus), AD 367-383. 
     His complete AE ancient-coin type set with photos below.

This page is part of a larger site: "Guide to Late Roman AE Coin Types" (

Size Description (linked to an example below,
which is then linked to the "type" page, as is the ID number)
ID Rarity
1 RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE   emp standing 3 R4
3 GLORIA ROMANORVM   Victory adv left 4 R2
3 GLORIA ROMANORVM   emp. drags captive 5 C
3 GLORIA NOVI SAECVLI   emperor with labarum 9 R
2 GLORIA ROMANORVM   camp gate 10 R2
3 FELICITAS ROMANORVM   Victory adv left  11 R2
4 VICTORIA AVGGG   Victory adv left 12 R4
3 VICTORIA AVGGG    Victory adv l (AE3, not AE4) 14 R
3 CONCORDIA AVGGG   Roma std globe left 15 C
3 CONCORDIA AVGGG   Concordia globe right 16 S
3 CONCORDIA AVGGG   Concordia no globe 17 S
2 REPARATIO REIPVB  emperor raises kneeling female 18 C
3 VIRTVS ROMANORVM  Roma std l 19 C
2 GLORIA ROMANORVM  emperor on galley 20 C
4 VOT / XX / MVLT / XXX  in wreath 24 S
4 VOT / XV / MVLT / XX  in wreath 25 C
4 VOT / X / MVLT / XX  in wreath 26 C
4 VOT / V / MVLT / X  in wreath 28 R
4 VOT / V  in wreath 29 R

Type images below are in numerical order except for rare types (Types 3, 4, 10, 11, and 12) which are listed together at the end. All references to RIC (Roman Imperial Coinage) are to volume IX. 

Type 3AE1.  RESTIVTOR REIPVBLICAE, emperor standing, is very rare for Gratian. (See below)

Type 4:  AE3.  GLORIA ROMANORVM. Victory advancing left, is very rare for Gratian. (See below)

Type 5: AE3.  GLORIA ROMANORVM, Emperor right drags captive and holds labarum. 364-388  [RIC also lists it in the period 388-392 at Trier]  

18 mm. 2.43 grams. 
Emperor right drags captive and holds labarum
RIC Siscia 14c.

This extremely common type was also struck for Valentinian I, Valens, Valentinian II, Theodosius, and Arcadius.


Type 6: AE3. SECVRITAS REPVBLICAE. Victory advancing left holding wreath and palm. 364-378.

17 mm. 2.55 grams.
RIC Arelate 19b.

This extremely common type was also struck for Valentinian I, Valens, and Valentinian II.


Type 9: AE3.  GLORIA NOVI SAECVLI. Only for Gratian and only at Arelate. Emperor standing right, head left, holding labarum and left resting on shield. Unusual obverse legend: DN GRATIANVS AVGG AVG [Augustus in a line of Augusti]. 367-375.


19 mm (a bit larger than other AE3s), 1.76 grams
RIC Arelate 15 

This type is neither common nor rare. 


Type 10AE2. GLORIA ROMANORVM. Camp gate. 367-375, is very rare for Gratian. (See below)

Type 11: AE3.  FELICITAS ROMANORVM. Victory advancing left, is very rare for Gratian. (See below)

Type 12: AE4.  VICTORIA AVGGG. Victory advancing left. 375-395, is very rare for Gratian. (See below)

Type 14AE3. VICTORIA AVGGG. Victory advancing left holding wreath and palm. 378-383. This is an AE3. Do not confuse it with Type 12, an AE4 with this legend which is very rare for Gratian.

17-16 mm. 1.90 grams.
RIC Rome 48a3  "R2"

This type is also struck for Valentinian II and Theodosius. It is rare for Gratian and Theodosius. It is scarce for Valentinian II. 


Type 15: AE3.  CONCORDIA AVGGG. Roma seated front, head left, holding globe left . 378-383. [Easily confused with Type 16, ext.]

18 mm. 2.94 grams.
RIC Antioch 46a1

This type was also struck for Valentinian II and Theodosius. This type is common. 


Type 16: AE3.  CONCORDIA AVGGG. Constantinopolis seated, helmeted head right, and holding globe right, with her right foot on a tiny prow. 
378-383. [Easily confused with Type 15, previous.]

18-16 mm. 2.61 grams. 
Cyzicus. RIC 18a

This type was also struck for Valentinian II, Theodosius, and Arcadius. This type is common. 


Type 17:  AE3. CONCORDIA AVGGG. Constantinopolis seated facing, head right, holding sceptre, her rightfoot on prow and her left knee forward and no globe. 378-383.

19-17 mm. 2.12 grams.

RIC Aquileia 33a

This type is rare for Gratian and common for Theodosius. 



Type 18AE2.  REPARATIO REIPVB. Emperor raises kneeling female rt., emperor holds Victory on Globe in left. 378-388.   


23mm. 4.42 grams.
RIC  Siscia 26b2

This type was also struck for Valentinian IITheodosius, and Magnus Maximus. It is common for all of them. 


Type 19. AE3.  VIRTVS ROMANORVM. Roma seated facing, head left, holding globe and reversed spear. 378-383.

18 mm. 2.35 grams.
RIC Antioch 50a 

This type was also struck for Valentinian II and Theodosius. It is common for Gratian, especially at Antioch. It is rare for Theodosius and extremely rare for Valentinian II. 


Type 20:  AE2.  GLORIA ROMANORVM. Emperor in galley left, Victory at helm. 378-388. 

23-22 mm. 4.49 grams.
RIC Nicomedia 25a2

This type was also struck for Valentinian II and Theodosius and is common for all three. 


Type 24:  AE4.  VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath. 378-383 (These are vows of Gratian.) 


14 mm. 0.91 grams.
RIC Constantinople 64a

This type was also struck for Valentinian II, Theodosius, and Arcadius. It is common for Gratian and Valentinian II, but rare for Theodosius and Arcadius.  


Type 25: AE4.  VOT / XV / MVLT / XX  in wreath  (large module). 378-383.

15 mm. 1.55 grams.
RIC Siscia 31a

This type was also struck for Valentinian II and Theodosius. It is common for Gratian and scarce for Valentinian II and Theodosius.  


Type 26: AE4.  VOT / X / MVLT / XX in wreath. 378-388  [RIC] [DO emphasizes 387]

VOT / X / MVLT / XX in wreath 
13-12 mm. 1.00 grams
RIC IX Antioch 56a1

This type also struck for Valentinian II, Theodosius, and Arcadius. It is common for all of them. Go to the page on this type, Type 26.


Type 28: AE4.  VOT / V / MVLT / X  in wreath. 378-388. 

[No image for Gratian. Here is one for Theodosius.] 

17 mm. 6:00. 1.39 grams. RIC Siscia 29d.

This type struck also for Valentinian II, Theodosius, Magnus Maximus, and Arcadius. It is common for Valentinian II and Theodosius, rare for Gratian, and extremely rare for Magnus Maximus and Arcadius. 


Type 29: AE4. VOT / V in wreath. 383-388. 

[No image for Gratian. This image is for Theodosius.]

13 mm. 12:00. 1.56 grams. Antioch (* not in RIC for Theodosius from Antioch)

This type also struck for Valentinian II, Theodosius, and Arcadius.  It is rare for Gratian and Valentinian II. It is common for Theodosius and Arcadius. 


Types that are very rare for Gratian.

Type 3AE1.  RESTIVTOR REIPVBLICAE. Emperor standing facing, head left, holding standard and Victory on globe. 364-367.

[No image for Gratian. Here is one for Valentinian.]

Valentinian I
27 mm. 5:30. 9.78 grams. RIC Heraclea 2. "R4"

This type is very scarce for Valentinian, rare for Valens, and extremely rare for Gratian. 


Type 4:  AE3.  GLORIA ROMANORVM. Victory adv l, holding wreath and palm. 364-378. (Just like type 6, SECVRITAS REPVBLICAE, except with a different legend.) 

17 mm. 6:00. 2.37 grams.
RIC Trier 47b "R", but really very rare.

This reverse type was struck only at Trier. It was also struck for Valentinian I, Valens, and Valentinian II.  It is very rare for all of them. 


Type 10:  AE2. GLORIA ROMANORVM. Camp gate. 367-375.
Valens AE2
[No image for Gratian. Here is one for Valens.]  

Valens.  Image courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group. 

22mm. 4.27 grams.    
CNG auction 63, May 21, 2003, lot 1550, "Unique" (it is maybe unique with this mintmark, but it is not unique as a type in general). This has bust left instead of right, and a unique mintmark:  COMTM. The mint to which this refers is not clear.  

This type is very rare. It was also struck for Valentinian I and Valens. RIC has this type for Gratian only at Trier and R2 there. I think it is rarer than that. 


Type 11: AE3.  FELICITAS ROMANORVM. Victory advancing left with wreath and palm.  [The type of SECVRITAS REPVBLICAE (type 6) but the legend FELICITAS ROMANORVM.] Obverse bust can be right or left. Struck only at Aquileia

[No image for Gratian. Here is one for Valens.]                                                                       

17 mm. 2.24 grams. RIC Aquileia 16b, "R5".  This type is very rare. 

This type also struck for Valens and Valentinian II, but RIC has it R5 for both. It is very rare for Gratian. 


Type 12: AE4.  VICTORIA AVGGG. Victory advancing left with wreath and palm. 375-395. 

14 mm. 6:00. 1.27 grams.
RIC Rome 30 "R4"

This type also struck for Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius, Arcadius, Eugenius, and Honorius. This type is common for Valentinian II, Theodosius, and Arcadius. Rare, but typical, for Eugenius. Very rare for Valens, Gratian, and Honorius. Common in excellent condition from Siscia for Valentinian II and Theodosius. 


               The end of the type set for Gratian.  

For type sets of other emperors, go to the page with links to type sets for each late Roman emperor

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