Constantinopolis seated, helmeted head right, holding reversed spear and holding globe right, with her right foot on a tiny prow.
    [a variety has no globe, with her left leg forward (as opposed to her right leg forward as illustrated first).]
Types 15, 16, and 17 are very similar. If the globe is right, it is this type.  If the globe is left, it is Type 15. If there is no globe and the figure is facing, it is Type 17
Common for Gratian, Valentinian II, and Theodosius. Very rare for Arcadius. From 11 mints.


Theodosius, Antioch

    All images on one page.
RIC photo T (Tr 66) III.13, T-V.13 (Ar), T-XIV.10 (Ant), A-XVI.6 (Nic)

Cayon G-66 (no photo there, but the one from Antioch under 67, in error, is this type), V2 -- (but 3 Roma varieties!), T-58 (2, Con, Nic).
Hunter G--, V2-84.36 (Her), T-86.56 (Ant), 86.57 (Ant).


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