Victory advancing left holding wreath and palm.
Struck for Valentinian, Valens, Gratian, and Valentinian II.
The type is extremely common, although less so for Valentinian II.
Valentinian I, Constantinople
18 mm. 2.54 grams.
All images on one page.
RIC photos: V-IX.7 (Sis 7), Vn XIV.4 (Ant 36), G-XIV.6 (Ant 49), Vn-XV.13 (Con), Vn-XV15 (Her).
Pierce, NC 1948, gives hoard numbers for this type and for GLORIA ROMANORVM. "These four hoards contain over 8,000 coins of our twin types to 37 of the preceding RESTITVTOR REIP." p. 70. And, that was in 1948, long before the flood of coins out of the Balkans beginning in 1990 in which this type is very common.
Occasionally at Rome the officina number is spelled out: PRIMA, SECVNDA, TERTIA, QVARTA, each preceded by a "R" for Rome.
For a web page emphasizing this numbering system, see my page "Officina numbers on late Roman coins."
Cayon V-103-106 (7 photos, 3 Sis, Ar, 3 Rome including 2 with officina numbers spelled out). Vn-116-117 (6 photos, 3 Sis, 2 Rome, 1 Aq). G-72 (3 photos, Rome, Ar, Th). V2-70 (0).
Hunter V-79.44 (Sis), Vn-80.22 (Ar), Vn-80.27-31 (Rome), Vn-80.36 (Aq), Vn-80.45 (Th), Vn80.46 (Th), Vn-81.66 (Ant), Vn-81.70 (Ale), G-82.23 (Ar), G-82.28 (Rome), G-82.45 (Sis), V2 --.