Late Roman Coins for sale, Valentinian and later (364 AD - 498 AD). 
      Coins of the late 4th century are among the least expensive of all ancient coins. For a history of the period, I recommend the inexpensive paperback book (possibly in your public or school library) by the ancient author Ammianus Marcellinus: The Later Roman Empire (AD. 354-378) translated by Walter Hamilton, Penguin Books, 1986. Books 26-31 cover Valentinian I through the death of Valens at the Battle of Adrianople. This is 130 pages of an original ancient source. Highly recommended to bring the coins and time period alive.
    References for the history of the period are listed  here:
    References for the coins of the period are listed here:

What's new?  2024, July 13:  Honorius AE2. Every coin on this page has had its price reduced today, most substantially. Take a look. 
2024, June 1:  Rare Valentinian II. Gratian. 
2024, May 31:  Theodosius AE2. Eudoxia. 
2024, May 30: Lovely Valentinian II.
May 27: 2024,  Arcadius with the hand of God. Every price on the "Valentinian and later" page reduced, many substantially. I removed entirely many sold coins. 


TERMS:  Prices are in brackets: [$xx]. I accept PayPal and Zelle (Why I prefer Zelle in the US) and checks and cash. Postage in the US is $2 for orders up to $25, $3 for orders up to $50, $4 for orders up to $100, and an additional $2 for each hundred thereafter. Usually an additional $3 to other countries.  From other countries I accept PayPal and prefer TransferWise. Here is why: . More-detailed terms of sale are here. 
After I confirm by e-mail that I still have the coin, you can pay by logging into your account and sending PayPal or Zelle payment to my e-mail address.
To order, or simply to ask a question, e-mail me, Warren, at:  e-mailwhich is also my PayPal address.

I mark coins "SOLD" in purple promptly when they sell.

Special types include a very rare Theodosius II.

Links:  Valentinian, Valens, ProcopiusGratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius, Aelia FlacillaMagnus Maximus, Arcadius, Honorius, Johannes
Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Leo I  

[A few new offerings are at the top. Skip down to coins in chronological order of the emperors.]


Newest next:  

Comment:  I have been collecting late Roman AE from Valentinian and later for over 40 years. In the late 1990s I wrote an educational website on them, updated many times since then:   (named RIC IX because most of them are in that volume of RIC).

Honorius, 393-423
AE2. Large. 22 mm. 5.88 grams.
RIC Nicomedia 46c1, page 263
Excellent centering. Looks just like the photo. [$29 SOLD]
I love late Roman bronze and I am still thrilled to have a good-sized AE2 in hand for such a low price. 



Gratian, 367-383
18-17 mm.
ANTA for Antioch
Roma seated facing, head left, holding globe and reversed spear
Only for Gratian, except for very rare examples for Theodosius and extremely rare examples for Valentinian II.
As always, compare with vocins prices. [$19  SOLD]

Valentinian II, 375-392
18-17 mm. AE3 (not the common AE4 with the same reverse legend)
I collected late Roman AE for many years before I saw one for sale in a fixed-price catalog. I quck made a call to order it by phone and was too late. But, it turned out a friend had bought it. So, what would he want in trade?  He collected anepigrapic Constantinian coins and I bought a very rare anepigraphic Constantine from a rare mint (not Antioch) and we traded. I bought my first piece at $180. I have seen a few, but not many, since then. 
RIC Thesalonica 41. Esty type 14. Sear V 20337. 
None on vcoins as I write. If you collcet RIC IX, this is a rare type. AE3, not AE4. [$59]

Theodosius, AE2
22.7 mm. 
SMN* for Nicomedia
Emperor facing right with standard and spurning captive
[$19 SOLD]

Eudoxia, wife of Arcadius (383-408)
being crowned by the hand of God
ANT for Antioch
Victory seated right inscribing shi-rho on shiled on column.
[$23 SOLD]
History. Eudoxia was the daughter of a Roman mother and Bauto the Frank, who had been a prominent general under Valentinian II. At the end of the fourth century many "barbarians" were generals in the Roman army and others were important at court. Theodosius, father of Arcadius and Honorius, had been an active and able military man, but he died in 395 and his sons were both weak and ineffectual. Although Arcadius was 17 in 395 and had been Augustus in the East since he was 5 years old in 383, real power was wielded by a succession of advisors who were Goths or eunuchs. The ambitious Praetorian Prefect Rufinus expected Arcadius to marry his daughter, but in 395 while Rufinus was on a trip, the Lord Chamberlian, the eunuch Eutropius, outwitted Rufinus by introducing Arcadius to the outstandingly beautiful Eudoxia and arranging a hasty marriage. She was awarded the title Augusta in 400 and bore Arcadius at least five children, including the future emperor Theodosius II in 401. She died from a miscarriage in 404. In spite of being pregnant most of the time, by 400 she had taken the reigns of imperial power from her weak husband. She was extremely involved in Church affairs in an age when church disputes could make or break rulers. Her coins exhibit her piety; she is crowned by the Hand of God. 

Gratian, 367-383
AE3. 18 mm. 2.94 grams.
Struck 378-383
RIC Antioch 46a1, page 284.
Bought at the summer ANA in Chicago in 1991 from CNG, with their (two, one CNG and one Seaby) tickets and my collection ticket. Lovely and high grade. [$45, reduced to $37]


Arcadius, 383-408
AE2, 22 mm.
Cross in left field
*ANTS for Antioch
Hand of God crowning Arcadius with a wreath
Bust right with spear forward and shield, rosette diademed
[$35 SOLD]  Compare to this one offered at $225 on vcoins!
(Obviously, that one is not well-priced!)

Valentinian I, 364-379
19-18 mm. 
RIC IX Heraclea 4a "R2" (not other officina or issues from Heraclea, but from othr mints. 
Nice cover. Well-centered. [$34, reduced to $27]


Gratian, 367-383. Follis (bronze, 2.34 g, 18 mm), Antioch. D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Gratian to right. Rev. VIRTVS RO-MANORVM Roma seated facing, holding globe in her right hand and inverted spear in her left; ANTA. In exergue. RIC Antioch 50a 
This reverse type is for Gratian and not other emperors.
Lovely cover over black patina. Excellent portrait, hair, and diadem, and centering. [$33, reduced to $23 SOLD] Please compare to vcoins prices.


Theodosius, 379-395
AE2. 23.7 mm. 4.80 grams.
SMKB  for Cyzicus
Emperor standing right holding standard and globe, with captive to right.
Lovely reddish surfaces. 
[$28, reduced to $21 SOLD]



Arcadius, son of Theodosius
22.6-19.9 mm. 4.00 grams.
Emperor standing right holding standard and globe, with captive to right.
ANTS for Antioch,
with lovely "Antioch patina".
[$26, reduced to $21]


Jovian, 363-364
AE3. 19 mm.
BSISC in exergue
RIC VIII Siscia 426 "scarce"
Obverse with lovely even green patina and name fully on the flan. [$39, reduced to $27]

[Please compare to vcoins prices.]


Coins by emperor in chronological order: 

Links:  Valentinian, Valens, Procopius, Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius, Aelia Flacilla, Magnus Maximus, Arcadius, Honorius, Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Leo I  

Valentinian (364-375)

Valentinian, 364-375
Struck at Thessalonica:  TESA
RIC IX Thessaloncia 16a (first issue from Thessalonica)
EF.  Nice green patina. [$29, reduced to $23]



Valens, 365-378


Procopius, 365-366



Gratian, 367-393


His vows for year 15
His vows for year 15, multiplied to year 20. This type is only for Gratian.
Mint of Arelate
Lovely surfaces, full mintmark [$24 SOLD]



Gratian, 367-383
AE2. 24-23 mm. 5.81 grams.
Emperor standing left raising turretted female and holding Victory on globe crowning him.
TCON in exergue, for Arelate as renamed Constantina
RIC Arelate 20a, struck 378-383
Large coin for the era and from a mint which is less common than Siscia. [$55, reduced to $47, reduced to $42]
ex Malter in California, March 25, 1982 (with his ticket, but it has little on it)

  Gratian, 367-383
  AE4.  VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath
  378-383   (These are vows of Gratian)
  AE14-12. 11:30. 1.17 grams.
  RIC Cyzicus 22a  Very clear reverse type  [$19, reduced to $15]
  Esty type 24.


Valentinian II, 375-392

Valentinian II, 375-392
18 mm. 2.35 grams.
RIC IX Rome 29c
The obverse legend with "junior"
That and the small head distinguishes this from the more-common Valentinian.
Esty Type 6.
Scarce. Dark even green patina. My photo didn't catch the nice appearance in sunlight. Not the common Valentinian, rather Valentinian II.
[$69, reduced to $59, reduced to $39]
ex Harlan Berk in Joliet, Illinois, June 18, 1985 [no ticket]



Valentinian II, 375-392
17 mm. 2.15 grams. AE3  (not the common AE2 type)
Emperor on galley left, holding phoenix on globe, Victory at helm.
Only at Thessalonica. RIC Thessalonica 61 "refers to the months of Valentinian II's refuge there [from Magnus Maxmus]"
Rare type. (This is not the commoner big galley type. I got 19 hits for "Valentinian II galley" and all were the large AE2 GLORIA ROMANORVM [as next] and none were of this VIRTVS AVGGG type. ) [$55, reduced to $42]


Theodosius, 379-395

   12 mm. 5:30. 1.51 grams,
   SMAQP (? The P is expected, but not on the flan)
   RIC IX Aquileia 47b, page 104, "Scarce, 383-388"
   [$25, reduced to $16] 


Theodosius. Type 42:  AE3.  GLORIA ROMANORVM
Emperor on horseback right.
393-395 [DO]
14 mm. 11:30. 2.08 grams.
   RIC Antioch 69a.
mm:  cross-rho in left field
[$19, reduced to $16, reduced to $12]

13 mm. 6:00. 0.88 grams
RIC Thessalonica 65b
mm: cross-rho in left field
[$15, reduced to $7 SOLD] Obverse lettering significantly better than the photo shows.

14 mm. A bit larger than most.
Cyzicus mint
Cross-rho in left field
[$12, reduced to $8 SOLD]

Theodosius, 379-395
AE4. 13 mm. 1.21 grams.
Victory left, holding wreath and palm
RIC Siscia 39b. 
ex Kern, Chicago Summer ANA, August 14, 1991.
[$15, reduced to $8]

Theodosius, ancient imitation
18 mm. (Smaller than the AE2 original.)
with emperor raising female
ex CNG Baltimore Summer ANA July 28, 1993
with their ticket for $45 
Very rare.  [$55, reduced to $43, reduced to $36]

Theodosius, 379-395
AE4. 15 mm. 1.45 grams
RIC Aquileia 36d "scarce"
ex Baldwin's in London Jan. 16, 1996
Lovely black and tan patina.  [$39, reduced to $29, reduced to $24]


Aelia Flaccilla, wife of Theodosius
24-23 mm. Large. 4.54 grams.
empress standing

Not in RIC with the cross in field right. Is close to
RIC Heraclea 25 but that is without a cross.
Rare. ex Victor Clark with his ticket. [$135, reduced to $115, reduced to $75]


Aelia Flaccilla, wife of Theodosius
AE2. 23-22 mm. 6.20 grams.
Empress standing
RIC Nicomedia 43 "Rare"
Bought March 6, 2005 from Sphinx, with a ticket that says "William B. Porter Collection" included. 
Lovely green and rust-colored patina. Scarcer mint. [$85, reduced to $75, reduced to $55]

Magnus Maximus, 383-388  


Late 4th Century AD

The best educational web reference for late Roman AE (Valentinian I and later) is my own site: 
Esty's Guide to Late Roman AE Coin Types, AD 364-450, at

Arcadius, 383-408 (I collected Arcadius by type and if I could find good ones, I bought extra mints as well. Here are good coins assembled during 40 years of collecting.)


15-14 mm. 11:00. 1.34 grams
RIC Thessalonica 65c
mm: TESΓ
cross-rho in field left
[$22, reduced to $14]



Victory left drags captive.
388-403  [RIC]     386-403 [DO, p. 113]
14 mm. 12:00. 1.46 grams.
RIC Antioch 67d2. Esty Type 39. 
Lovely light cover and nearly full legends. Outstanding for type. [$25, reduced to $14]


14 mm. 6:00. 1.34 grams
RIC Nicomedia 45c7
mm:  illegible in exergue
cross in wreath in left field
[$19, reduced to $12]
ex Marc Breitsprecher July 20, 2000


Arcadius, 383-40815-14 mm. A tiny bit larger than most

VOT V in wreath
Very well centered with full legend and glossy dark green surfaces
[$15, reduced to $111]

Arcadius, 383-408
15-14 mm.
Nearly facing bust with cross on shield
[Three G's for Arcadius, Honorius, and Theodosius II]
Constantinopolis seated, foot on prow.
[$17, reduced to $12]


[$23, reduced to $17] Arcadius, 383-408
AE2. 21 mm (and thick). 11:30. 6.14 grams.
RIC Heraclea 27b2, mm: SMHB



11 mm. 1.45 grams
RIC Alexandria 13d
mm: ALEΔ(?)  [$14, reduced to $8]



Arcadius, 383-408 AD.  GLORIA ROMANORVM/BSISC.  Emperor dragging captive right. A very common type for Valentinian and Valens, but not for Arcadius. None on vcoins as of this writing.  If you want the reverse type, you can get it for other emperors. If you want the reverse type for Arcadius, get this one. [SOLD]




Arcadius 383-408
Struck 383-388.  AE4.
VICTORIA AVG (ony one "G")
RIC Thessalonica 63c.  This type only at Thessalonica. 
Very scarce.  [$17, reduced to $14]
ex Antioch Assicoates (Henry Clay Lindren, sale 92, lot 127 (Dec. 2003) [no ticket]


Arcadius, 383-408. 13-12 mm. AE4.
camp gate. RIC 62c, Thessalonica.
Dark green patina. [$15, reduced to $12]
ex Dan Clark, July 1986 [no ticket]



Arcadius, 383-408
13 mm.

VOT V in wreath
Full flan, well-centered. Glossy and hard to photogrph.
High quality for type.  Try to imagine it without the glare in the photograph. [$15, reduced to $7]



Arcadius, 383-408
16 mm. 2.22 grams.
Nearly facing bust
Cross on shield, spear behind right shoulder
ANTΓ in exergue
RIC X 97 "401-3"
Sear V 20807
ex London Coin Galleries (in LA) in 1990 (no ticket)
Good facial details for a facing bust. [$85, reduced to $69, reduced to $39]
ex London Coin Galleries (Anaheim, CA) July 1990 [no ticket]


Honorius, 393-423

Honorius, 393-423
15 mm. 1.85 grams.
Three rulers (Arcadius, Honorius, and you Theodosius II in the middle)
RIC X 149 page 250 struck "406-8"
Sear V 21010 (the coin in his type photo is much worse than this coin)
Lovely light cover highlighting the reverse  [$59, reduced to $39]







Theodosius II, 402-450

Coins from my serious collection of Theodosius II, 402-450

Theodosius II
22-21 mm. 4.70 grams. 6:00. AE2, which is very large for the 5th century.
RIC X 460 struck "437(?)" "R3"  extremely rare
(but some have been found since RIC was written, most in very bad shape)
Hahn DORE 5th, 71 plate 4
"AD 426-450"
Sometimes attributed to the rare Cherson mint and, if struck in Constantinople as the "CONS" mintmark suggests, only distributed to the region of Cherson in Crimea--the type is not found anywhere else. 

Very rare AE2. Very large for this century.  Remarkably nice flan and portrait.  [$395, reduced to $345, reduced to $315]
As I write none are even close to this nice on vcoins or MA-Shops.


Theodosius II, 402-450
13 mm. 1.86 grams.  
cross in wreath, no legend
SMKB mintmark
RIC X 449
Hahn MIRB 84.2

Obverse legend name fully on the flan (which is often not the case) [$15, reduced to $7] 



Theodosius II, 402-450
12-11 mm.
Victory facing, holding wreath in each hand
Esty Type 67
Struck 425-450
Rare.  [$44, reduced to $35]  



Theodosius II, 402-450
13-12 mm. 1.30 grams. Slightly larger than most. This has a full flan.
Cross in wreath

Hahn (5th C.) Theodosius II 84
RIC X 443
Sear V 21232.  Esty type 68.
Full obverse legend (a bit weak in places) with mintmark CONS on the flan
[$49, reduced to $29]


Theodosius II, 402-450
Cross in wreath. 13-11 mm. 
[$10, reduced to $6]



T2T2Theodosius II, AE2
RIC X 460 "R3" (extremely rare)
20 mm. 5.65 grams. AE2, which is very large for the 5th century.
Theodosius II, helmeted bust right, spear facing forward.
backwards N's in the legend and mintmark CONS
CONCORDIA AGV [sic, they are all spelled this way]
Found only the region of Cherson (Crimea, formerly Ukraine) but with a mintmark of Constantinople.
A rarity! As I write, vcoins has two, one worse and $50 more expensive and the other not better and over $500 more expensive. [$175, reduced to $145] 



Valentinian III, 425-455


Leo I, 457-474

A late Roman rare type: 5th century Roman imperial coin from the region of the Black sea. It says "CON" in exergue for Constantinople, but are found only in the region of Crimea (north Black Sea), which has casued some to attribute them to the Cherson mint.   


Leo I, 457-474
AE4. Small. 10 mm.
"LEO" clear on the nice obverse, which is unusual
Emperor standing, standard in right and holding small captive with his left
[$49, reduced to $39]


Zeno, 474-491

Zeno, 474-491
AE4. Small. 10-9 mm.
head right
monogram of Zeno (monogram 3 in Carson, Hill, and Kent)
Well-centered. Lovely yellow-green patina.  [$49, reduced to $39]



Links:  Valentinian, Valens, ProcopiusGratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius, Aelia Flacilla,
Magnus Maximus, Arcadius, Honorius, JohannesTheodosius II, Valentinian III, Leo I  

Continue with:  Byzantine (and Vandalic), Arabic, and Medieval coins or with ancient imitations.
Terms of sale are here.  Prices in brackets: [$xx].

Questions? e-mail me, Warren, at:  e-mail

Return to the top.