Late Roman Coins for sale, Valentinian and later (364 AD - 498 AD).
Coins of the late 4th century are among the least expensive of all ancient coins. That's a good part of the reason I collected them. My interest has been deep and long. I wrote web pages on the types and still work on them:
The best web reference on them is mine:
"Guide to Late Roman AE Coin Types":
Reference works for the coins of the period are listed here:
References for the history of the period are listed here:
What's new? 2025, March 7: Eudoxia, wife of Arcadius.
2025, Feb. 21: Aelia Flaccilla.
2025, Jan. 15: Several moved from the main page to here where they belong.
2025, Jan. 15. Valentinian II, Gratian, AE2s.
2024, Dec. 24. Almost all prices on this page reduced. Please take a look again.
2024, Oct. 30: Another Arcadius AE2.
2024, Oct. 28: Arcadius AE2.
2024, Oct. 27: Rare small Honorius.
2024, Oct. 20: Many prices on this page reduced.
2024, Oct. 3: Theodosius II
TERMS: Prices are in brackets: [$xx]. I accept PayPal and Zelle (Why I prefer Zelle in the US) and checks and cash. Postage in the US is $2 for orders up to $25, $3 for orders up to $50, $4 for orders up to $100, and an additional $2 for each hundred thereafter. Shipping usually $20 or more to other countries. I'm sorry about that. From other countries I accept PayPal and prefer Wise. Here is why: . More-detailed terms of sale are here.
After I confirm by e-mail that I still have the coin, you can pay by logging into your account and sending Zelle or PayPal payment to my e-mail address.
To order, or simply to ask a question, e-mail me, Warren, at: which is also my Zelle and PayPal address.
I mark coins "SOLD" in purple promptly when they sell.
Special types include a very rare Theodosius II.
Links: Valentinian, Valens, Procopius, Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius, Aelia Flacilla, Magnus Maximus, Arcadius, Honorius, Johannes,
Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Leo I
[A few new offerings are at the top. Skip down to coins in chronological order of the emperors.]
Newest next:
Comment: I have been collecting late Roman AE from Valentinian and later for over 40 years. In the late 1990s I wrote an educational website on them, updated many times since then: (named RIC IX because most of them are in that volume of RIC)
Eudoxia, wife of Arcadius
Effectively Roman ruler 400-404, becaue Arcadius was so ineffectual.
Chosen as one of the most beautiful women of the empire.
16.6-16.3 mm. 1.73 grams.
Victory seated right inscribing shield
[$23] She has only two AE types.
For her fascinating story, read my page:
Aelia Flaccilla, wife of Theodosius
AE2. 22 mm. 5.38 grams. (Not the AE4 of the same design)
empress seated left inscribing shield with chi-rho.
RIC Constantinople 55 "S". "378-383"
(As I always recommend, compare to prices elsewhere including vcoins and MA-Shops.)
A remarkable early-Christian-symbolism type, with the hand of God crowning Arcadius.
Arcadius, 383-408
Struck 383 as his first issue
24 mm. 4.68 grams. Repatinated
DN ARCAD-IVS PF AVG, bust right holding spear forward and left holding shield
Hand of God above crowning him with a wreath
Emperor standing front, facing left, holding standard and resting left of shield, at feet left a captive
mintmark: * ANTS
RIC Antioch 41, page 283 [$28]
Valentinian II, 375-392
AE2. 22 mm. 4.82 grams.
RIC Antioch 63b, page 291. "S" PlateXIV.16, not as nice as this one (I wonder why? Couldn't they find a better example?)
[$26 SOLD]
Emperor and 2 captives, one either side
409-410 [DO]
15.2 - 13.8 mm. 1.94 grams.
RIC X 1355. Rome.
Sear V 21002.
Esty type 54
Very rare. This type was struck only for Honorius. An acsearch of Honorius GLORIA
Oct. 27, 2024 yielded 458 hits and only two were of this type. None on vcoins or MA-Shops.
As nice as they usually come, which is seldom. Rare or very rare. [$47 SOLD]
When I wrote my pages on late Roman AE ( I regarded this type (Type 54) as a very rare type, never in good condition, and worth a huge premium. It is no longer so rare, but it is still never in good condition.
Theodosius II, 402-450
12 mm. 1.13 grams.
Victory facing holding two wreaths
TIC X Theodosius II 437 Cyzicus struck "425-435" plate 178
Esty type 67
Sear V 21215 (no photo). Scarce. Nice for type. [$29]
Coins by emperor in chronological order:
Valentinian (364-375)
Valentinian I, 364-379
19-18 mm.
RIC IX Heraclea 4a "R2" (not other officina or issues from Heraclea, but there are from other mints.
Nice cover. Well-centered. [$34, reduced to $27 SOLD]
14 mm. 1,48 grams.
His vows for year 15
His vows for year 15, multiplied to year 20. This type is only for Gratian.
Mint of Arelate
Lovely surfaces, full mintmark [$24, reduced to $21]
Valentinian II, 375-392
Valentinian II, 375-392
13-12 mm. 1.04 grams. Small
Antioch mint.
Nice! [$18, reduced to $17]
Theodosius, ancient imitation
18 mm. (Smaller than the AE2 original.)
with emperor raising female
ex CNG Baltimore Summer ANA July 28, 1993
with their ticket for $45
Very rare. Still [$45, reduced to $39]
Theodosius, 379-395
AE 2. 22 mm.
ANTB Antioch mint
[$22, reduced to $19]
Theodosius, 379-395
AE 2. 22 mm. 3.77 grams. Repatinated, white cover.
Galley (the ship of state) being steered by Victory, emperor standing.
Helmeted bust right with spear forward and (part of his) shield in left hand
[$19, reduced to $17 SOLD] Look at the details on the helmet and bust.
12 mm. 5:30. 1.51 grams,
SMAQP (? The P is expected, but not on the flan)
RIC IX Aquileia 47b, page 104, "Scarce, 383-388"
[$25, reduced to $16, reduced to $12 SOLD]
Late 4th Century AD
The best educational web reference for late Roman AE (Valentinian I and later) is my own site:
Esty's Guide to Late Roman AE Coin Types, AD 364-450, at
Arcadius, 383-408 (I collected Arcadius by type and if I could find good ones, I bought extra mints as well. Here are good coins assembled during 40 years of collecting.)
Arcadius, son of Theodosius
383-408. AE2
22.6-19.9 mm. 4.00 grams. Repatinated.
Emperor standing right holding standard and globe, with captive to right.
ANTS for Antioch,
Lovely [$26, reduced to $24]
Arcadius, 383-408
16-15 mm. .73 grams.
GLORIA ROMANORVM, horseman (Arcadius) right raising right hand in greeting
RIC IX Antioch 69c2, oage 294. "15 May 392-17 Jan. 395"
DO LRC Arcadius 182-3, both worn.
Esty Type 42.
Sear V 20819, page 441. The coin in Sear's photo on page 442 is much worse.
Nice for type. [$37, reduced to $29]
ex Ancient Resource in 2009, with his neat ticket.
AE2. 22 mm.
SMKΔ for Cyzicus
Black. Nice example of the type. [$24, reduced to $22 SOLD]
AE2. 23-21 mm.
the "Hand of God" crowns Arcadius.
An interesting early Christian type.
Black, with nice light cover [$35, reduced to $29 SOLD]
15-14 mm. 11:00. 1.34 grams
RIC Thessalonica 65c
mm: TESΓ
cross-rho in field left
[$14, reduced to $11]
Victory left drags captive.
388-403 [RIC] 386-403 [DO, p. 113]
14 mm. 12:00. 1.46 grams.
RIC Antioch 67d2. Esty Type 39.
Lovely light cover and nearly full legends. Outstanding for type. [$15, reduced to $12]
14 mm. 6:00. 1.34 grams
RIC Nicomedia 45c7
mm: illegible in exergue
cross in wreath in left field
[$12, reduced to $9] ex Marc Breitsprecher July 20, 2000
Arcadius, 383-408
15-14 mm.
Nearly facing bust with cross on shield
[Three G's for Arcadius, Honorius, and Theodosius II]
Constantinopolis seated, foot on prow.
[$18, reduced to $15] Arcadius, 383-408
AE2. 21 mm (and thick). 11:30. 6.14 grams.
RIC Heraclea 27b2, mm: SMHB
11 mm. 1.45 grams
RIC Alexandria 13d
mm: ALEΔ(?) [$6, reduced to $5]
Arcadius, 383-408. 13-12 mm. AE4.
camp gate. RIC 62c, Thessalonica.
Dark green patina. [$14]
ex Dan Clark, July 1986 [no ticket]
Arcadius, 383-408
13 mm.VOT V in wreath
Full flan, well-centered. Glossy and hard to photogrph.
High quality for type. Try to imagine it without the glare in the photograph. At the right angle, it looks better than this image. [$9 SOLD]
Coins from my serious collection of Theodosius II, 402-450
Theodosius II, 402-450
13 mm. 1.86 grams.
cross in wreath, no legend
SMKB mintmark
RIC X 449
Hahn MIRB 84.2
Obverse legend name fully on the flan (which is often not the case) [$15, reduced to $7]
Theodosius II, 402-450
12-11 mm.
Victory facing, holding wreath in each hand
Esty Type 67
Struck 425-450
Scarce. Only two on vcoins as I write, at $155 and $145. [$48, reduced to $39 SOLD]
Theodosius II, 402-450
13-12 mm. 1.30 grams. Slightly larger than most. This has a full flan.
Cross in wreath
Hahn (5th C.) Theodosius II 84
RIC X 443
Sear V 21232. Esty type 68.
Full obverse legend (a bit weak in places) with mintmark CONS on the flan
[$49, reduced to $24]
Theodosius II, 402-450
Cross in wreath. 13-11 mm.
[$10, reduced to $5]
Theodosius II, AE2
RIC X 460 "R3" (extremely rare)
20 mm. 5.65 grams. AE2, which is very large for the 5th century.
Theodosius II, helmeted bust right, spear facing forward.
backwards N's in the legend and mintmark CONS
CONCORDIA AGV [sic, they are all spelled this way]
Found only the region of Cherson (Crimea, formerly Ukraine) but with a mintmark of Constantinople.
A rarity! As I write, vcoins has two, one worse and $50 more expensive and the other not better and over $500 more expensive. [$175, reduced to $139]
Valentinian III, 425-455
A late Roman rare type: 5th century Roman imperial coin from the region of the Black sea. It says "CON" in exergue for Constantinople, but are found only in the region of Crimea (north Black Sea), which has caused some to attribute them to the Cherson mint.
Zeno, 474-491
AE4. Small. 10-9 mm.
head right
monogram of Zeno (monogram 3 in Carson, Hill, and Kent)
Well-centered. Lovely yellow-green patina. [$49, reduced to $29]
Links: Valentinian, Valens, Procopius, Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius, Aelia Flacilla,
Magnus Maximus, Arcadius, Honorius, Johannes, Theodosius II, Valentinian III, Leo I
Continue with: Byzantine (and Vandalic), Arabic, and Medieval coins or with ancient imitations.
Terms of sale are here. Prices in brackets: [$xx].
Questions? e-mail me, Warren, at:
Return to the top.