Links to pages about the Roman coins of 284-324.
Pages about the coins of
• the First Tetrarchy (293-305),
• the Second Tetrarchy (305-306), and
• 306 to 324, the following period until the sole reign of Constantine
Many more pages, listed below, go into greater detail.
(To the right is a statue of the four tetrarchs of the First Tetrarchy, now at St. Marks Basilica in Venice.)
In greater detail:
"Coins of the First Tetrarchy: Pre-Reform Coins (aureliani, a.k.a. antoniniani) of Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius I, and Galerius"
"Follis types of the First Tetrarchy, 293-305 CE"
"GENIO POPVLI ROMANI: a common late Roman coin type" by emperor
The same coins organized by mint. (A table of all emperors and mints.)
"SACRA MONETA: Roman coins of the First Tetrarchy, 294-305"
Coins of Diocletian
Maximian's name
Abdication types of Diocletian and Maximian
GENIO types
GENIO POP ROM issued from 307 to 316
Commemoratives issued from 306 to 324
How to distinguish coins of Maximian from coins of Galerius
How coins are dated to the Second Tetrarchy
The "radiate fraction" a.k.a. "post-reform radiate" denomination.
The "quarter follis" denomination from Siscia, c. 305-306.
Fractional folles, sometimes called "quinarii", mostly from Trier.
The silver argenteus denomination.
Adfini, Cognat, Patri, Socero, under Maxentius at Rome
Types with FORTVNA
Antoniniani from Siscia with coded officina numbers
Anonymous civic issues under Maximinus II, 310-313
Licinius, GENIO AVGVSTI (309-312)
Usurpers during the First Tetrarchy (Carausius and Domitius Domitianus)
Ancient imitations of coins of the tetrarchies.
Go to the main Table of Contents for all the educational pages.