RIC X, Rome 2123-2128 (S,R,3,R,3,2), 2135 (R4) (all called
4 photos). RIC distinguishes four varieties, with turrets (A),
pellets (B), a star with pellets (C), and 2135 which has prominent
but without officina number. The illustrated piece is variety A, 2123,
officina E.
"A gateway may denote an imperial Adventus,
but it is worth noting that earthquakes in 429 and 443 gave rise to
concern about the walls and other public buildings in the city." "The
which specifically refers to the festival of 3 January, was often
with consular issues." RIC p. 173. "All bronzes of this period
PLA [in the obverse elgend]" RIC p. 173.
Two varieties in LRBC. Variety 1 is without turrets (847, 849-851), and variety 2 is with turrets (853, 855, 858, 859). LRBC dates it within 425-455.
Cayon V3-42 ("VOT PVB" no photos), V3-47 (incorrectly spelled "VOT PVBL") (3 photos).
DO 852, "it is not clear to which occasion the inscription belongs (435?)" p. 239. "there is an alternative legend CAS-TRA" (type 82) p.239.