Type 39 images for Arcadius, Honorius, and imitations:
Victory left drags capitive.
388-403 [RIC] 386-403 [DO, p. 113]
14 mm. 12:00. 1.02 grams
RIC Antioch 67d2
mm: ANTΓ
cross-rho in field left
13 mm. 12:00. 1.57 grams
RIC Heraclea 26c
mm: SMHA
14 mm. 12:00. 1.61 grams
RIC Constantinople 86c
cross-rho in field left
15-14 mm. 11:00. 1.34 grams
RIC Thessalonica 65c
mm: TESΓ
cross-rho in field left
14 mm. 6:00. 1.34 grams
RIC Nicomeida 45c7
mm: illegible in exergue
cross in wreath in left field
12 mm. 6:00. 0.98 grams
RIC Constantinople 90c
mm: CONS (maybe one more S?)
cross-rho in field left
12 mm. 6:00. 0.89 grams
RIC Aqulieia 58d
mm: AQP
cross-rho in field left
13 mm. 11:30. 0.88 grams
mm off flan.
cross-rho in field left
12 mm. 5:00. 1.11 grams
vertical strokes for letters
mm: garbled, maybe 3 vertical strokes and a Γ
cross in field left
12-11 mm. 11:30. 1.31 grams.
Possibly Theodosius?
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