5th century coins. Late Roman and and Vandal.
If anything interests you, contact me, Warren, at wwesty@gmail.com
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Zeno, 474-491, 4.37 grams.
16-14 mm. 4.37 grams. Called a small AE2.
CONCORDIA [most off the flan]
Very rare.
RIC X 948 page 312 "R2" plate 33 "second regin 476-491"
Sear V 21554 "$175 in F, $450 in VF."
"These would seem to have been struck specifically for circulation in Cherson (southern Crimea) or its hinterland"
Very crowded as ususal. Much better surfaces than normal. Very rare. [$225]
Usually attributed to the Vandal period
9 mm.
cf BMC WPBC Wroth IV.33, a copy of a type of Theodosius II.
Bought from Harlan Berk, June 18, 1985, in Joliet, Il. He said it is from Tunisia (which supports the Vandal attrribution).
Very bold strike.