Etruscan. References about Etruscan Coins.
Sale Catalogs:
NAC 7 (3/94) HV. VHQP. 891 ancients on 78 ppl in B&W + 3 E + 8 ppl in color. 143 Etruscan, 107 G, 207 Italian aes grave, 84 RR struck AE, 374 R.
Etruscan (143), Italian aes grave (207) This is THE catalog for Etruscan coins.
Kunker 295 (2017, Sept. 25) 1335 ancients. 60 Celtic, 49 G, 92 Etruscan, 14 Parthian, 8 Indo-Parthian, 7 Sas, 24 Baktrian, 129 RR, 547 RI, 35 Dark Ages, 34 Byz, 10+38 India
Etruscan (92)
Roma XVI (2018, Sept. 26) 873 ancients. 90 Etruscan, 346 Greek including 15 owls from the east (Parthia?), 53 RP, 158 RR inlcding an EID MAR, 198 RI, 19 Byz, 8 medieval.
Etruscan (90), owls from the East (15)
Articles (later consolidated into a book):
Italo Vecchi wrote a series of long articles in five parts in SNR 67, 69, 71, 72, and 78 (1988, 1990, 1992, 1993, and 1999) "The Coinage the Rasna: A study in Etruscan numismatics," parts I-V, total 18 page plates.
Vecchi, Italo, Etruscan Coinage, Part I, 2 Volumes. 2013. Hardbound. 736 numbered pages with 135 plates illustrating 2,541 coins. [c. $350]
"This important two volume set is the result of many years of research and compilation of data by Italo Vecchi. It offers a corpus of the struck coinage of the Rasna, as well as historical and economic commentary on the gold, silver, and bronze issues of the various Etruscan cities. In this first of two studies, the author presents all of the known struck coinage of Etruria from the 5th to the 3rd centuries B.C., with the exception of the male head/dog, African/elephant, Peithesa/Turms, Aplu, and Menvra/owl bronze issues of inland Etruria."
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